Monthly Archives: December 2019

GAN Australia Celebrates the Achievements of Apprentices and Employer Initiatives at Annual Gala Dinner

On Friday 6 December, the winners of the 2019 Apprenticeship Employment Network (AEN) and Global Apprenticeship Network (GAN) Australia Awards were announced during a gala dinner at Parliament House with over 180 guests in attendance. The 13 awards recognise the successes of apprentices, trainees and employers across the state including two inaugural GAN Australia [...]

December 9th, 2019|Media Releases, News Room|

Leading diversity across their skilled workforce

As diversity in the workplace becomes a hot topic within many skilled trade businesses we caught up with Mark Rademaker, Programmed General Manager of Human Resources (Maintenance and Facility Management) and a member of the Tradeswomen Australia Strategy Council to find out how they are approaching diversity within their business and look at the [...]

December 4th, 2019|Case Studies, News Room|

Bridie’s brilliance a perfect match for Sam’s steely resolve

STAR Australian athlete Samuel Rizzo always goes the extra yard – just ask his employers at Astec Equipment Services and the person responsible for the job placement – Sarina Russo Apprenticeships Industry Consultant Bridie Smolenaers. A member of the Australian Paralympic Squad where he puts his body through torturous daily training sessions is his [...]

December 3rd, 2019|Case Studies, News Room|
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