GAN Australia scholarship recipients
GAN Australia has supported a number of apprentices and recently completed apprentices through scholarship opportunities. Eligibility criteria and use of scholarship funds vary each year, so please check current guidelines if you are considering applying for a scholarship.
Previous recipients: Study tour scholarships
These scholarships have been awarded to support recipients undertake international study tour activities. Study tours take place within a year of the scholarship being awarded.
Luke Green
2023 scholarship recipient.
Luke Green is a 2nd year Sports Turf Management apprentice with NextGen Jobs and host employer Ringwood Golf, Maroondah City Council.
He is planning to travel to Switzerland during the European summer to learn about their world-leading sports turf management systems. Switzerland is home to a large number of football (soccer) fields, golf courses, and racing tracks, which Luke will be visiting to develop his turf management skills.
As well as being a location for brilliant sports turf, Switzerland is considered a leader within the global apprenticeships community. During his travel, Luke will be able to visit training facilities and talk with apprentices, trainers, and employers. He will be bringing back some reflections on the differences between the Australian and Swiss systems.
Leela Subramaniam
2024 Westvic Staffing Solutions scholarship recipient.
Leela is a sous chef from the Mornington Peninsular, who’s amazing story captured the hearts of Australians during last year’s Victorian Training Awards. As the Victorian Apprentice of the Year winner, Leela progressed to the Australian Training Awards where she placed runner up.
Moving into the role of sous chef having only just completed her apprenticeship, Leela is known by her employer as an outstanding chef. She plans on taking her skills to the next level by gaining experience overseas, hopefully in a Michelin Star restaurant.
Back home, Leela has ambitions to use her skills and experience to work with disadvantages communities, supporting refugee women to enter the hospitality industry.
Jayme Cannon
2024 Westvic Staffing Solutions scholarship recipient.
Jayme is a carpenter from regional Victoria, who completed his apprenticeship with Westvic Staffing Solutions. In the 2023 WorldSkills Australia National Championship, Jamye demonstrated his outstanding skills, taking home the gold medal for carpentry.
Unfortunately, Jayme is unable to compete in the WorldSkills International competitions in 2024 due to the age limits. But this won’t stop him from attending. Jayme plans on using his scholarship to travel to Lyon to support the Australian team, while developing his personal and professional skills.

Previous recipients: Study scholarships
These scholarships were awarded to support recipients undertake additional study activities which could include Australian or international travel.
Hedayatullah Habibi
2022 scholarship recipient.
Habibi came to Australia in 2021 after leaving his homeland of Afghanistan. Prior to leaving Afghanistan he had been working in roles assisting the Australian Embassy and US Air Force, which placed him in a difficult position with the return of Taliban to power.
Habibi and his family settled in Dandenong to commence their new lives and to learn their new adopted homeland’s different laws, education and health systems, language and culture expectations. Recognising employment and training as a vital part of the settling process, Habibi drew upon his transferrable skills and life experience to seek a new career as an Electrician in Australia.
With the support of NECA Education & Careers and Stowe Australia, Habibi secured an Electrical apprenticeship. As an apprentice, Habibi has worked on several construction projects, including the Metro Rail Tunnel. Despite his journey to date, Habibi remains enthusiastic and eager to learn and continues to succeed in his apprenticeship.
Kathrine Knapman
2020 scholarship winner.
Katharine Knapman’s hard work during training for her Certificate III in Aboriculture has earned her three accolades in 2020. She is Trainee of the Year, the International Apprentice Scholarship recipient and the Women in Trades Inspiration Award winner. Katharine was the first female trainee hired at the Maroondah City Council and is an excellent example of the opportunities on offer for women looking to branch out to a trade. Katharine is dedicated to developing her skills and has taken on weekend work with external arborists to gain further expertise. She is looking forward to using her $12,000 scholarship to continue her education in the field she loves.
“This traineeship has changed my world. This is the first time I have been able to tell my friends and family that I’m excited to go to school! I try to encourage my friends to look at getting into trades, as I think they would really enjoy them and it would make a difference to their lives.”
Joel Hancock
2019 scholarship winner.
Joel has always been passionate about electronics. When his school did not provide an electrical class Joel decided to pursue an apprenticeship in fitting and turning. After completing his apprenticeship with Simplot where he was awarded with Bendigo TAFE’s Apprentice of the Year in his trade, Joel decided to start again and commenced his Certificate III in Electrotechnology.
During the 3 years of his electrical apprenticeship, Joel married and became a father. This meant Joel had to rearrange a few things in his life having to support his family on an apprentice wage and adjusting his schedule as he was having to take three hours out of his day to drive from Echuca to Bendigo for TAFE and return home.
For his scholarship, Joel planned to visit his company, Simplot’s headquarters based in Boise, Idaho in the USA in May 2020. Unfortunately, due to travel restrictions this was not possible. Joel was able to use his scholarship to pursue personal and professional development opportunities in Australia.