Australian Apprentice study tour scholarship

The GAN Australia study tour scholarship supports Australian Apprentices to broaden their skills and knowledge, gaining valuable experience in their trade or profession in one or more international destinations.

Scholarships are awarded annually at a GAN Australia event. The total value of the scholarship is $12,000 AUD including GST.

You can read more about previous scholarship winners to see the types of activities undertaken by recipients.

About the study tour

Individuals who are participating in a study tour will not be paid during the duration of the tour.

If you are awarded a GAN Australia scholarship, your expenses including travel, accommodation, insurance, meals and other expenses will be covered up to the total amount of the scholarship.

In exchange for this opportunity, you will be asked to share your experiences with others both during and after the exchange. You will be supported by GAN Australia staff to promote your experience, including through video interviews and social media promotions.

This program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the industry in your study tour location, as well as an opportunity for personal and professional growth.

It is expected that the study tour will include visits to training facilities, employer locations, or other industry-relevant activities. An itinerary may be developed around a significant event in the host country, such as an industry competition or show.

The study tour will typically occur in the second half of the year (July to November), in the year after the scholarship is awarded. The recipient will spend the first half of the year finalising their plans and contacting potential hosts for their study tour.

Selection process

The process for GAN Australia scholarships may change depending on the needs of GAN Australia each year. The below process is a guide only.

  1. Applications must be submitted by the closing date to be considered for the scholarship.
  2. Applications will be reviewed to ensure they meet all eligibility criteria. Applications that do not meet these criteria will not be considered for a scholarship.
  3. GAN Australia staff will assess applications against the application criteria to develop a shortlist of finalists for the scholarship. Shortlisted finalists will be invited for an interview with GAN Australia staff.
  4. The recipient will be selected, and the scholarship awarded at the annual Apprentice Training Awards. The recipient must sign the scholarship terms and conditions, which will be supplied to them as a finalist for their consideration.

Shortlisting of finalists and the final selection of a scholarship recipient is at the discretion of GAN Australia and is final.

Eligibility criteria

Applicants for the scholarship must:

  • Be an apprentice or trainee at the time of nomination.
  • Be in their second, third or fourth year of their apprenticeship or traineeship.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Have a valid passport or be able to get one, and be eligible to travel to the nominated study tour location.
  • Have approval from their employers to undertake the study tour.
  • Be committed to contacting potential employers and training providers to organise activities for their study tour. GAN Australia staff will support these activities, but it is the responsibility of the recipient to organise their study tour.

Applicants must sign a declaration of their eligibility as part of the application process.

Application criteria

Applicants will be shortlisted based on their responses to the application criteria. All criteria must be addressed in the application.

Application criteria may include:

  1. Career and study overview
    1. Why did you choose your apprenticeship and how has it impacted you?
    2. What skills or knowledge have you gained from the course, and how have you applied them in your workplace?
    3. What challenges have you overcome during your apprenticeship?
    4. What qualities or activities have been beneficial during your apprenticeship?
  2. Promotion of your career pathway
    1. How have you shared your apprenticeships or traineeship experiences with others?
    2. What traits do you believe are important for positively influencing others?
    3. If you receive this scholarship, you will be asked to promote apprenticeships and traineeships. How would you like to do this?
  3. Other qualities and pursuits
    1. What challenges have you addressed during your apprenticeship or traineeship?
    2. How have you demonstrated initiative in your apprenticeship or traineeship, personal life or workplace?
    3. Provide examples of your leadership roles inside or outside work.
    4. Describe your involvement in community or industry activities.
  4. Proposed study tour activities
    1. Which country or countries would you like to visit? Why?
    2. What activities would you like to undertake on this study tour? Why?
    3. How long would your proposed study tour last? What time of year would you want to travel for this?

Frequently asked questions

What is the closing date for applications?

Applications are not currently open.

What happens after an application is submitted?

Applications will be assessed in line with the selection criteria and the applicant who best meets the selection criteria and who is approved by the AEN Nominations Committee will be offered the scholarship. In some cases, this may involve an interview with the AEN Nominations Committee.

Once the applications have been assessed and the outcomes known, all applicants will be notified in writing within 3 weeks of the closing date.

When is the scholarship awarded?

The recipient of the scholarship will be invited to attend a GAN Australia event to be formally presented with the scholarship.

What happens if you are awarded the scholarship?

You will work with GAN Australia staff to develop your study tour plan.