STAR Australian athlete Samuel Rizzo always goes the extra yard – just ask his employers at Astec Equipment Services and the person responsible for the job placement – Sarina Russo Apprenticeships Industry Consultant Bridie Smolenaers.
A member of the Australian Paralympic Squad where he puts his body through torturous daily training sessions is his customised wheel-chair, Samuel is also an equally valued team member at Astec Equipment Services.
Born with spina bifida, Samuel, 19, commenced his Apprenticeship in Certificate III Engineering – Fabrication Trade in January and he is now making wheelchairs for his fellow disabled residents of Ballarat.
“Samuel also studies Trade School at Federation University Ballarat and his employer and TAFE have both made modifications to support Samuel’s learning and make the experience more comfortable for him,” Bridie said.
“He is such a dedicated young man who is really going places and we are all very proud of him and what he has achieved – good on you Samuel.”
Samuel’s employment success story mirrors the sensational sporting season he has had since making his international debut at the 2018 Commonwealth Games in front of a huge home crowd and he’s adamant what his next track dream is.
“My goal is to win a Gold Medal and set a new world record at the Paralympics in Tokyo in August next year,” he said.

PHOTO: Samuel Joel Rizzo (Apprentice – Astec Equipment Services), Karen Werner (Manager – Astec Equipment Services), Bridie Smolenaers (Industry Consultant – Sarina Russo Apprentices
Samuel began his Apprenticeship in Certificate III Engineering – Fabrication Trade with Astec Equipment Services on the 2nd of Jan 2019. He is in a wheelchair and now makes wheelchairs to help support his local Ballarat community. Samuel studies trade school a Federation University Ballarat. His employer and TAFE have both made modifications to support Samuel’s learning and make the experience more comfortable for him. Outside of work and school, Samuel trains at the Institute of Sport for the Paralympics. He is a dedicated young man, going places! Good on you Samuel!